Sunday, 11 December 2011

Evaluation - How to . . .

How to: Self evaluation

What problem did you identify?
For the how to brief our group consisted of myself, Joel, Lisa and Emily our main notion was paper, and the problem we decided to identify was ‘how to make a paper airplane?’

What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
Initially we all made an action plan; this consisted of what each of us should research. My role was to investigate paper folding techniques for airplanes, the different models one can make from a piece of paper, and what type of paper works best for making aircrafts.

What methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?
Primary quantitative- data, numerical: a questionnaire queering about paper air planes, opinions, crafting and knowledge.
Primary qualitative- data, written: a questionnaire asking individuals about paper air planes, opinions crafting and knowledge.
Secondary quantitative- data, numerical: collecting information about different models of air planes, paper weights, entertainment which applies to air planes and smartphone application data.
Secondary qualitative- data, written: collecting information about different models of air planes, paper weights, entertainment which applies to air planes and smartphone application data, motion graphics, logos, message and delivery options.

What methods of research did you find useful?
I believe the best methods applied to our group was the research we all gathered, it helped us to initiate what we wanted to do with our ‘how to’, in particular primary qualitative and secondary qualitative, merely because we wanted people opinions and views on paper air planes, how necessary they are to people, what would one do with a paper plane and why, if anyone was interested in the crafting of paper planes. As well as a secondary version of this, looking into origami, paper crafting, games, sticker art, logo designs and smart phone applications were all the steps we researched for us to get to our final design.

How did these inform a response to your problem?
 As a group we discovered that there was no existing purpose for making a paper air plane, other than for fun, yet that reason alone wouldn’t have a distinct reason for making one, in any shape or form, from then on we decided a physical paper air plane wasn’t exactly necessary, in fact, knowing how to make a paper plane digitally and still physically could be quite interesting.

What methods did you encounter as problematic?
Unfortunately each of us four members if the groups had been absence at least once within the two weeks, which put us behind with group decisions, but we overcome that problem by keeping in touch through email and texting to make sure all of us agreed on any further input, ideas, designs that was added to our ‘how to’. Aside that reason, out time management could have been a little more organised, however the entire project pulled together in the end, which we were very happy with, we agreed if we had of thought of the concept of our work a week earlier we could had made it a lot more exciting as a brief.

How did you overcome this?
In response to the previous question, we all kept in touch for the progress of the brief, and helped each other develop the project as a whole, overall I believe our group worked well aside small inconveniences.

What research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful?
Initially I believe we should have done a good deal more primary research, collected more data, and gave people surveys to fill out.

Our final idea concluded as an application for a smart phone, the application was called ‘air craft messenger’, it was a function which served a purpose of message and delivery through the concept of paper and airmail in the form of a paper plane. Not the average paper plane, instead a digital version. Because this idea was raised later on into the project, out ideas, designs and research was limited to what came to us first to bring the idea together and work, I think that if we had of worked at it sooner, we could have grasped and initiated the design to its full advantage. We could have through roughly observed smartphone applications, how they work, and possibly made our application work on an iPhone as an instant messenger service.

Five things that you have learnt about the design process over the last two weeks:
-That I need to involve myself more in the design process, suggesting final designs not initial ideas.
-Those final outcomes always work best with a lot of research to back up the concept, design, and motive.
-Working in a group designing works well in the sense there are a lot of ideas flowing, yet decision making can be sometimes hard or correct.
-I have learnt that as a group we should have thoroughly designed a lot more to achieve the outcome we could of with the how to brief.
-In particular to our design approach, as a group we felt we needed more time to make it to the standard we wanted it.

List five things you would do different next time:
-Manage time more effectively
-Plan ideas though roughly
-Research all aspect necessary
-not rush, but try to full fill time to its full advantage to achieve a better body of work
-have more input into final designs, literally, not just idea input

Monday, 21 November 2011

Evaluation - Design skills

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learned how to use software’s such as adobe illustrator successfully in order to help me design digitally instead of hand rendered. 
I became a lot more organized and focused in the work I’m doing, where as previously if I weren’t too keen on brief I wouldn’t put effort in.
I have also learnt a new way of producing work from scratch, going back to basics on a design sheet with a sharpie instead of doing detail drawing, which I’m most used to.

What approaches to/methods of idea generation have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have learnt that it is hard to produce successful work without design sheets, research and developed ideas as a starting point before feeling comfortable enough to go with an idea, there has to be a lot of initial starting points before a design fully works effectively.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise them?

I do feel happier and comfortable with my design work now than when I first started, I didn’t know anything about typefaces, typography and a lot of graphic design, I’ve now realised that I really like working with type and I should continue to develop in producing work with it.
I believe I’m getting better at documenting my work more through blogging, before enrolled on this course I was studying BA photography which was nothing like this, it was very practical and I had to write a lot of essay, whereas I much prefer graphic design as there is a mixture of workloads within the course, and its full time which is more worth while as I feel I’ve learnt more in one module than in a full year on my previous course.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work an how will you address these in future?

I find it hard to generate a lot of idea quickly. I find myself spending a lot f time thinking about the brief rather than getting the ideas on to paper, force of habit that I need to get out of.
I’m not as advanced as a lot of my class mates when it come to design work of illustrator and photo shop, therefor it takes me longer to develop a good body of work to present to the group as well as a final design. However I do feel I am getting better and learning a lot by practising on the software and with help from technicians.
I also struggle with research, I find it hard to grasp what is necessary to look for and what will back up my ideas, I need to work n this by always keeping my self visually aware; looking through books etc.
At first I wasn’t very confident in showing my work to my other peers even in small groups as I felt I was of a lower standard compared to most, especially in front of a large group because I have major stage fright, however I think I’m gradually overcoming this as the crits and presentations go on weekly.

Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and hat do you expect to gain from doing?

- Organise my time more effectively, design myself a work timetable so that I get everything done on time.
- Blog more, keep up to date with work and do set tasks on the day instead of leaving them until later.
- Design and produce more ideas for each brief o back up my work, and flow with a mixture of ideas until they work successfully.
- Try harder on researching, work with what’s relevant and read a lot more. 

How would you grade yourself n the following areas:
 Poor  2. Average  3. Good  4. Very good  5. Excellent

Attendance = 4
Punctuality = 4
Motivation = 3
Commitment = 4
Quantity of work produced = 2
Quality of work produced = 2
Contribution to the group = 3

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Graphic design investigation - Research task part 2

For this task each individual out of our blog groups chose a category of graphic design of research, i chose to collect frozen food packaging and here is the documentation of my findings.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tutorial with amber 25/10/11

Specific actions i need to attend to:
- keep attendance higher, only 90% at the moment
- organise a software workshop with simon for a wednesday afternoon (illustrator etc)
- keep up to date with blogs/ don't let work build up
- improve research on design context blog, document everything i look at for briefs
- time management, set my own deadline during the week to keep work on schedule

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Graphic Design investigation - Research task

5 x Categories of Graphic Design [investigate/ research]
  • road signs in Leeds City Centre (information graphics)
  • adverts on transport (advertising graphics)
  • instruction manuals for building furniture 
  • children’s books (entertainment graphics) 
  • food packaging on ready meals (information/ instruction graphics)
5 x Forms of Evidence  [to be documented on our blogs]
  • photographs - primary/secondary
  • books (referencing - scanning in)
  • collecting objects/ leaflets/ flyers
  • internet articles (sourced)
  • video/ filming
5 x Examples of Criteria for the Evaluation of “Good” Research [comment/ feedback]
  • relevance to category
  • reliability of source (primary/secondary)
  • Quality/Detail of research
  • Standard of Photographs (resolution/focused etc.)
  • quantity - a good range of varied research

Friday, 30 September 2011

Study task 3 - What is graphic design for ?


Using the areas of Graphic Design discussed  in the seminar, studio workshop as a starting point and with reference to the 'What is Graphic Design For - Part 1/2' presentation. Identify, record and evaluate a minimum of:
  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define information & way-finding design. 
  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define product & packaging design. 
  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define branding & identity design.
  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define editorial and publishing design.
  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define retail and & promotion.
You should aim to identify sources that represent the breadth of design practices, functions and audiences. Once you have identified your sources, you will need to:
  • Write a brief statement defining your understanding of each of the design areas
  • Identify 10 examples of each discipline and 'categories' them by genre, audience, content, sector, budget and/or any appropriate method as discussed in your groups.
  • Comment on the effectiveness of the examples with regards to content, format, function and media.
Information and way-finding

I understand that information and way finding is an important aspect of graphic design, without it, an individuals sense of direction would be hectic and people would find it difficult to orient themselves in a physical space or move from one place to the next.

Product and packaging

I understand the purpose for product and packaging design is to enclose and protect its content during distribution, they type of design can also vary depending on where the product will stored, sold or used.

Branding and identity

I am now aware of the visual impact branding and identity can give a product, the name, design or symbol which represents the service it is promoting as to be distinctive from those of other sellers.

Editorial and publishing

I understand that editorial design if a part of graphics in which the work created has to have a specific layout and will be printed to be applied in different applications such as magazines, books and newspapers.

Retail and promotion
I am aware that in some way graphic design has a sector which is promotional, these elements involve selling, advertising and attracting the attention of a market - public. This strategy can work in different ways to promote a product for example different areas of media - endorsements, internet advertising or newspapers.

Other useful Links

Navigation and way finding video! Tony Howard

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Level 4 Aspirations: 10 things i would like to achieve over the course of the year!

  •       To become more self-assured with my work
  •       To gain confidence in presenting work and speaking in front of an audience
  •       To be able to create an array of work using different medias by the end of year 1
  •       I would like to improve my Photoshop and Illustrator skills
  •       Develop my portfolio to show progress of work
  •       Become more familiar with artists and designers within the design industry
  •       Create works of art
  •       I want to improve my time management skills to comply with deadlines
  •       To experiment in all the realms of graphic design
  •       Meet new people and make new friends in all areas of art and design