Thursday, 22 May 2014

PPP | End of year evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The PPP module has been a success this year for me, my visits to design studios was the initial inspiration for my design practice, from going to speak to creative professionals I gained an insight to the design studios of Brandfuel and Google offices, two very different companies, one tight group of creative workers in design and events the other a global brand with offices stretched over the world. Both of these visits were a great experience for me, one of which gained me a two week placement in London, thanks to the very driven and diverse group of creatives at Brandfuel I gained skills in the graphic design sector such as design software skills, working to tight deadlines, a sense of professionalism, communication skills and understanding the idea of being part of a creative community. Not only did I learn skills in graphics, but also events and production, this was an area of the creative industry I was really keen to be part of, so working with peers who had skills in events management, production, film and photography was a great experience for me. 

Primary research is something I always considered to be an important part of my personal practice, I feel like I have skills in collecting useful information and imagery to justify a good concepts for my briefs, this is usually done by visiting exhibition, galleries, other cites for research trips or even the library to collect inspirational quotes, notes on design or methods of production, all of which I very helpful for my design practice. 

2. What approaches to/ methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In terms of my personal practice I have developed skills in new methods of design such as being focused on digital design and print, this interest in graphics has lead me to explore new areas of design within fashion and printed textiles. My knowledge of graphics this year has massively improved by trying new things and not being scared experiment with anything that interest me and can evolve my design practice. 

Practicing with photographic and digital design for printed textiles and incorporating this into graphics has made my direction of design a lot clearer in terms of where I want to be heading as a professional designer. Developing an understating of fabric, textile manufacturing, print methods, product range and distribution has lead me on the career path I believe I am ready for which is a graphic designer with a focus in digital design for fashion. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe my presentation skills have improved a lot over time of being on the course, my nerves haven't disappeared  but the ability to present and pitch my ideas, concepts and design work is an important strength to have when going into the design industry.  
I genuinely enjoy blogging and self evaluation; getting my thoughts, ideas and opinions onto a document is a good way of self reflecting and analysing design decisions which is best for briefs. I feel i've kept up to date with blogging this year from strategic primary and secondary research which is relevant for each brief to ongoing documentation and final execution being published on my blog. This strength is what makes me believe I should make and carry on a blog after college to post ideas, interests and work in my spare time to show a reflection of my design practice and appeal on a social platform. 
My self initiated work shows that I and very concept driven I enjoy developing big projects which allow me to have the freedom to experiment with many aspect of design, I feel like this is a positive strength as it shows I can produce a lot of work in short or long space of time depending on the deadline. Entering competition briefs and participating in live briefs are great in terms of identifying how I work best, having a tight deadline for submission is great for me as sometimes I work best under pressure. Collaborations are projects which I really enjoy, working with another individual or group of people allows me to share my ideas with people from different creative areas I feel this is one of my strongest factors in my personal and professional practice I the industry I am wanting to work in expects a skills in working alone and with others. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Unfortunately my time management skills haven't massively improved, I let work get on top of me and often decisions have to be made to cut elements of a brief out due to lack of organisation. This is something I have to improve before going into industry  because working in a professional environment will to have time for slip ups. 

Leaving things until last minute, its a bad habit I have, things get done but often no the the standard I want, this has to change before entering the creative industry as habits like this aren't exactly good when having tight deadlines to work to. 

5. Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Considering this is my last year at college, i'll identify what i'll do differently after education:
- Don't waste time, and do work as soon as it given to me to show I am effective with my time, hard working, professional and reliable. 
- Never forget my audience , this year has been a whirl wind interns of the briefs I have done and what I've designed, sometimes I forget who my audience is and why I'm designing when i'm working on a brief I written because its essential not real, however constant evaluation and feedback from peers always helps and this is something I need to keep up with. 
- Be confident in the work I produce, often enough I feel disappointed with concepts, designs and final outcomes of my briefs because I over think things. Allowing myself to produce good work, be confident in what it is and pitching it well is something I will capitalise after education. 
Don't get too stressed, letting things build up never helps anyone being creative, so my aim is to be stress free and happy about what I'm doing and why. 

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

Attendance: 4
Punctuality: 4
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 4
Quantity of work produced: 5
Quality of work produced: 4
Contribution to the group: 5

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