Thursday, 8 May 2014

Final tutorial | Extended Practice

Today I had a tutorial with Amber and Simon, overall me presenting my work and the stage I am at to the tutors was very helpful in terms of the feedback I received.

Going through each of my briefs in terms of what is completed, and what still has to be done ahead light on how little time we have left until the hand in. 2 weeks today until the Extended Practice deadline.

Amber and Simons feedback was positive in the sense they're confident as am I about the work I have already produced, and what still needs to be done. Important points they made:

_ Evaluate throughly on the blog and on presentation boards.
_ Define decisions made in terms of design process i.e. (digital or hand rendered), printing methods i.e (digital, screen or commercial) , mockups, changes made and final execution of work.
_ Document conversations in tutorials which have helped develop/ alter the outcome of briefs.
_ Make points of main focus in design and direction i'm heading in.
_ Evidence on presentation boards all relevant information in relation to brief, use blog as a back up story.
_State how COP has encouraged a design style/ and understanding of other design sectors such as textile and surface pattern in my practice.

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