Studio brief 1 - A design strategy
Collect, catagorise and reflect on a body of investigative research, creative references and responses to set tasks in the form of your PPP blog. You should make regular posts to your blog that demonstrate an increasingly individual/independent exploration of Graphic Design, the broader creative industries and general visual culture. You should use this brief as a starting point for the development of an increasingly informed understanding of the nature of contemporary graphic design practice and its role in our local, national and international culture
You will need to maintain an ongoing evaluation of your individual progress in Level 05 of the programme by regularly reflecting on what you have learned, how you have developed and how this relates to your own creative ambitions. As part of this process you should post copies of each End of Module Self-evaluation to your blog in order to maintain an ongoing recorded of your reflective skills and analytical responses to your own development.
StudyTasks will be set and you will need to record your responses to them but you should use them as a starting point for your own independent research activities
Background / Considerations
We are not asking you to simply produce a scrapbook of images or a day-to-day diary of what you
have seen/where you have been. Keep your reference broad by searching out new and interesting connections.
Take the opportunity to attend lectures, events and exhibitions. Organise study visits to studios, galleries etc. and remember to record and reflect on all that you see.
Set time aside on a regular basis to reflect on the work you have produced and its relation to your emerging creative interests and areas of individual focus
Mandatory Requirements
All posts to your blog. should be labeled in line with the programme's naming conventions.
All posts should be date stamped and supported by appropriate levels of self reflection, analysis and evaluation.
Work should be referenced and sources should be acknowledged where appropriate
Evidence of responses to set tasks independent research activities, personal reflection and ongoing evaluation demonstrated through regular postings to your PPP Course Blog.
Studio Deadline
24 / 05 / 2013 - 4pm
Module Deadline
31 / 05 / 2013 - 4pm
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