Thursday, 22 May 2014

PPP | End of year evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The PPP module has been a success this year for me, my visits to design studios was the initial inspiration for my design practice, from going to speak to creative professionals I gained an insight to the design studios of Brandfuel and Google offices, two very different companies, one tight group of creative workers in design and events the other a global brand with offices stretched over the world. Both of these visits were a great experience for me, one of which gained me a two week placement in London, thanks to the very driven and diverse group of creatives at Brandfuel I gained skills in the graphic design sector such as design software skills, working to tight deadlines, a sense of professionalism, communication skills and understanding the idea of being part of a creative community. Not only did I learn skills in graphics, but also events and production, this was an area of the creative industry I was really keen to be part of, so working with peers who had skills in events management, production, film and photography was a great experience for me. 

Primary research is something I always considered to be an important part of my personal practice, I feel like I have skills in collecting useful information and imagery to justify a good concepts for my briefs, this is usually done by visiting exhibition, galleries, other cites for research trips or even the library to collect inspirational quotes, notes on design or methods of production, all of which I very helpful for my design practice. 

2. What approaches to/ methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In terms of my personal practice I have developed skills in new methods of design such as being focused on digital design and print, this interest in graphics has lead me to explore new areas of design within fashion and printed textiles. My knowledge of graphics this year has massively improved by trying new things and not being scared experiment with anything that interest me and can evolve my design practice. 

Practicing with photographic and digital design for printed textiles and incorporating this into graphics has made my direction of design a lot clearer in terms of where I want to be heading as a professional designer. Developing an understating of fabric, textile manufacturing, print methods, product range and distribution has lead me on the career path I believe I am ready for which is a graphic designer with a focus in digital design for fashion. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe my presentation skills have improved a lot over time of being on the course, my nerves haven't disappeared  but the ability to present and pitch my ideas, concepts and design work is an important strength to have when going into the design industry.  
I genuinely enjoy blogging and self evaluation; getting my thoughts, ideas and opinions onto a document is a good way of self reflecting and analysing design decisions which is best for briefs. I feel i've kept up to date with blogging this year from strategic primary and secondary research which is relevant for each brief to ongoing documentation and final execution being published on my blog. This strength is what makes me believe I should make and carry on a blog after college to post ideas, interests and work in my spare time to show a reflection of my design practice and appeal on a social platform. 
My self initiated work shows that I and very concept driven I enjoy developing big projects which allow me to have the freedom to experiment with many aspect of design, I feel like this is a positive strength as it shows I can produce a lot of work in short or long space of time depending on the deadline. Entering competition briefs and participating in live briefs are great in terms of identifying how I work best, having a tight deadline for submission is great for me as sometimes I work best under pressure. Collaborations are projects which I really enjoy, working with another individual or group of people allows me to share my ideas with people from different creative areas I feel this is one of my strongest factors in my personal and professional practice I the industry I am wanting to work in expects a skills in working alone and with others. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Unfortunately my time management skills haven't massively improved, I let work get on top of me and often decisions have to be made to cut elements of a brief out due to lack of organisation. This is something I have to improve before going into industry  because working in a professional environment will to have time for slip ups. 

Leaving things until last minute, its a bad habit I have, things get done but often no the the standard I want, this has to change before entering the creative industry as habits like this aren't exactly good when having tight deadlines to work to. 

5. Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Considering this is my last year at college, i'll identify what i'll do differently after education:
- Don't waste time, and do work as soon as it given to me to show I am effective with my time, hard working, professional and reliable. 
- Never forget my audience , this year has been a whirl wind interns of the briefs I have done and what I've designed, sometimes I forget who my audience is and why I'm designing when i'm working on a brief I written because its essential not real, however constant evaluation and feedback from peers always helps and this is something I need to keep up with. 
- Be confident in the work I produce, often enough I feel disappointed with concepts, designs and final outcomes of my briefs because I over think things. Allowing myself to produce good work, be confident in what it is and pitching it well is something I will capitalise after education. 
Don't get too stressed, letting things build up never helps anyone being creative, so my aim is to be stress free and happy about what I'm doing and why. 

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

Attendance: 4
Punctuality: 4
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 4
Quantity of work produced: 5
Quality of work produced: 4
Contribution to the group: 5

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Self branding | PPP | Extended Practice

PPP | Blog check list

Ensure all these factors have been explored, analysed and annotated on the PPP blog:

Module brief
Summer brief
Studio visits
Presentations and speechs
Crits and feedback
Personal Manifesto
Context of Practice
Internships/ Jobs
Live briefs
Favourite briefs
Own business
Travel with work
Time management
Who am I as a designer
Direction of design
Plans after education
Reflection of three years
Self branding

Monday, 19 May 2014

Reflection of my three years

Reflection of three years on this course:

Year one: Reflecting back on year one seems a long time ago interns of what the past three years have bought me on this course. When I first started I came from a art and design back ground with a huge interest in photography, little knowledge about graphics and a thirst for succeeding in the design industry. First year thought me a lot in terms of understating the fundamentals of graphics, however grasping the design stage of it came later on. 

Work which I was producing in first year, beyond embarrassing:

I had no knowledge of good typefaces, layout, presentation of work.

Probably thought this was really cool at the time. 

Towards the end of first year I was quite interested in music promotion, this was when I grasped product, promotion and distribution. 

Year two: Second year was when I began incorporating my interests into the design I wanted to create, whether it be fashion, photography, music or culture. 

I enjoyed incorporating hand rendered type into my briefs.

Developed a huge interest promotional material for fashion. 

I liked entering competition briefs, which were fast turned around tasks. My style of presentation boards  developed a lot and looked more neat.

The dazed and confused brief was my favourite from the entire year, the collaboration allowed me and Emily to explore concepts, research, photography, events and design, over all the brief was a great success in terms of outcomes.

Year three: Third year has been my most productive year, the realisation that I wanted to be a designer in the fashion sector came after the COP3 module. Before then I lost touch of the context of who and what I was designing and why. These are a few examples of the work from this year which I am most proud of. 

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Design context brief | Inspiration

Module Code: 

Module Title:
Extended Practice

Student Name:

Studio Brief Title:
Design context publication - Inspiration


A brief which summaries me as a person and as a creative. The publication signifies my inspirations and influences in relation to graphic design and fashion, my aspirations in career choice and goal achievements as a young designer. 

List of deliverables(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

Initial ideas
Concept and content
Layout and editorial 
Final execution 
Photographs of final product
Presentation boards
Printed material

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Ongoing documentation on blog
Design development
Printed product


The design context publication resulted in being one of my favourite final out comes this year. The magazine style publication which I produced basically summed up everything I like in the creative industry, so of a reader this booklet would give them a full insight as to who I am and what I like to design. My approach to producing this magazine was to write myself a set of questions and answer them in detail in relation to the context of practice. Doing this was really helpful as it clarified who I am and where I belong in the design sector. Over all I was really pleased with the end result of the magazine as it showed of my layout and editorial style along with how I present imagery, this magazine would be a good piece of work to take to an interview as it states exactly who I am and what I enjoy. The only fault I have with this brief is the photographs I took of the final product aren't the best so this is something I need to improve when shooting again for the presentation of my portfolio. 

Collaboration brief | Fashion branding


Module Code: 

Module Title:
Extended Practice

Student Name:

Studio Brief Title:


Fashion branding for Laura Richardson, a collaborative brief consisting of branding and identity, print, product and promotional material for the fashion student. 

List of deliverables(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

Design sheets
Initial ideas
Concept and design development
Printing experiments 
Final execution 
Photographs of final product
Presentation boards
Printed material

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Ongoing documentation on blog
Business cards
Swing tags
Creative CV
Brand guidelines booklet


The collaboration brief with Laura Richardson was one of my favourite, and most successful projects of the year. I really wanted to the opportunity to produce fashion branding for another creative as it is an area of design I've always wanted to practice. The brief consisted of regular meetings, brainstorming sessions and bouncing ideas of one another to develop an understanding of what needed to be executed. I enjoyed the collaborative practice mainly because my knowledge in fashion graphics as improved.

As a graphic designer and knowing that communication is key in design, I emphasised on this when creating branding for the designer as I wanted to fully display a visual identity of what her and her design style was. From the collaboration I have gained knowledge in areas of fashion, such how to present work on concept boards in a fashion like manor, along with learning more about colour ways and how to utilise them in branding for fashion.

Experimenting in design with a fashion designer allowed me to be aware of another individuals design ethos, by exploring unconventional materials in fashion and design, and adding elements of this into the branding and identity was learning a skill in itself. Gaining an understanding of how to incorporate fashion into graphics was essential for me. In terms of print and processes, we were happy about the decision to digitally printing the branding material, the process was easy, cost effective and no fuss was needed in terms of additional processes as requested by the designer - simplify was key.

Competition brief | Textile Federation


Module Code: 

Module Title:
Extended Practice

Student Name:

Studio Brief Title:


Textile Federation, a small fashion label in London offered applicants the opportunity to apply to their 'entomology' scarf competition. A design which would be sold in the Oxford Street Topshop in London. 

List of deliverables(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

Initial ideas
Concept and design development 
Final execution 
Photographs of final product
Presentation boards
Printed material

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Ongoing documentation on blog
Digital designs of prints for fabrics
Mock ups
Final scarf designs
Printed scarfs


This was the only competition brief I entered this year, and turned out to be one of my most liked briefs. Exploring with graphics, print and textile design has been a running theme throughout my practice this year so I wanted to get involved with a competition which would give me the opportunity of potentially seeing my design printed and in store.

Using the method of photographic print design in this brief allowed me to experiment with photography, image manipulation, pattern design and printed textiles. I enjoy using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for graphic design and felt the desire to explore and experiment in the design sector of textiles too. Developing an understanding of digital design and print has led me to be massively interested in this area, participating in briefs like this is the reason I enjoy both graphics and  textile print, and often like to combine the two together to gain a more explored practice.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Placements | Internships | Jobs

Over the past year I have been looking for internships and jobs which I believe I am ready and qualified for, my aim is to complete third year, get my portfolio up and running and start applying for places where I wish to work whether it be a temporary placement to gain experience or a full time job to start my career.

Job goal - In-house designer:

My aim is to be an in-house designer, I'd love to work for a company such as Arcadia, Asos, Inditex - all of which supply designs for retail stores such as Topshop/ Topman. Producing designs for such large companies like these is my main ambition.

My ideal jobs:

Finding jobs, most helpful websites:

In terms of what i have been looking for, I'm quite open to to going for anything I thin I can do whether it be digital design, retail store concepts, visual merchandising or graphics in fashion. I'm very et on working in the fashion sector, through third year I have built my self up to be ready for a told in graphics for fashion. 

Creative design in Fashion

Trend forecasting

Fashion and merchandising 

Fashion, styling, merchandising, design, events

Product, print, design

Design, marketing, advertising

Visual merchandising, retail design

Graphic, fashion design

Graduate programes - M&S

Student design placement - H&M

Dr Martens apprenticeship scheme 

Aside from graphic design I have a huge interest in brands, products and making. Recently I seen an advertisement for a 12 month internship at Dr Martens, the role would be to design, prototype and make in house Dr Marten shoes. I am not a shoe designer and have never really considered designing shoes as a career but I believe a year long experience working in the Dr Martens factory would an amazing opportunity in terms of working for one of the biggest British heritage shoe brands (a personal favourite), designing and making products to be distributed all over the world as well as understanding how a product is made from start to finish in an industrial manufacturing environment.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Final tutorial | Extended Practice

Today I had a tutorial with Amber and Simon, overall me presenting my work and the stage I am at to the tutors was very helpful in terms of the feedback I received.

Going through each of my briefs in terms of what is completed, and what still has to be done ahead light on how little time we have left until the hand in. 2 weeks today until the Extended Practice deadline.

Amber and Simons feedback was positive in the sense they're confident as am I about the work I have already produced, and what still needs to be done. Important points they made:

_ Evaluate throughly on the blog and on presentation boards.
_ Define decisions made in terms of design process i.e. (digital or hand rendered), printing methods i.e (digital, screen or commercial) , mockups, changes made and final execution of work.
_ Document conversations in tutorials which have helped develop/ alter the outcome of briefs.
_ Make points of main focus in design and direction i'm heading in.
_ Evidence on presentation boards all relevant information in relation to brief, use blog as a back up story.
_State how COP has encouraged a design style/ and understanding of other design sectors such as textile and surface pattern in my practice.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Yr.Store | Pop up store | Patternity

Yr Store in Shoreditch’s Boxpark pop-up mall. The techno-brain behind Yr is Luma, leaders in interactive design technology who make things like digital graffiti walls, and what you see here is a YrTakeover event at which creative folk from companies such as Patternity are let loose on the touchpad devices to stretch the concept’s possibilities with a professional going over.


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Photographing work | Inspiration | Extended practice

Throughout my practice over the past three years I haven't taken professional looking photographs of any of my design work, this is something I really want to focus on for my portfolio so that my designs are well executed and presented. Below are some of the image stylists, installation artists and photographers I pay close attention to, most have a minimalist style which lets the work speak for its self by having white space and simple product placement.

//Marsha Golemac  
//Brooke Holm : The pair often work together on image styling projects.

I believe this kind of photographic set up would work best for my Albino Boutique brief, the use of pastel colours and an array of similar products, all of which colour are co-ordinated would be well suited for my project.

Another collection of photographs shot by Golemac displaying fabric scarfs arranged in pattern and colour order. This style of shoot would be perfect for my Pink Ink brief, along with any other textile fabrics I need to photograph. 

 Other work...

