Sunday, 21 October 2012

Industrial experience workshop

In the studio session we had to answer the following questions:
- What is industrial experience?
- How do you gain industrial experience?
- What am i worried about?

My response

1. What is industrial experience?
- Learning new skills in a specified environment.
- Being able to perform and work well for and with others.
- Co-operatng with professionals.
- The experience of being part of a team, organisation or agency which allows you to learn your chosen sector.

2. How do you gain industrial experience?
- Apply/ ask to join an industry of your choice.
- Make yourself available.
- Be confident and positive about the role you want to take on.
- Take notice of those around you.
- Be professional in the work place as you want people to take you seriously as well as think you are committed.

3. What are you worried about?
- Not knowing what agency/studio to apply to?
- Will anywhere take me on?
- Are my software skill good enough?
- Am i prepared enough?
- Can i afford to commute to the placement?
- Will the people i work with like me/ will i like them?

Myself, Andy, Nathan and Hannah were put into a group for the afternoon workshop. We chose the best 10 points to fit each question, here are the following:

Group response

1. What is industrial experience?
- Knowing the correct terminology.
- Learning new skills in a specified environment.
- Learning new business skills.
- Being party of a team/ agency.
- Being able to perform and work well for others.
- Knowing the breadth of the subject.
- How to talk/ negotiate with clients.
- Knowing different methods of print and how to use certain equiptment.
- Applying your knowledge to create the best standard of work.
- How to work with a range of clients.

2. How do you gain industrial experience?
- Studio visits.
- Contacting designers/ studios.
- Networking.
- Showcasing your own work.
- Placements.
- Make yourself available.
- Approach studios/ agencies.
- Workshops.
- Researching.
- Originality/ create own brand.

3. Concerns about industrial experience?
- Approaching professionals.
- Am i prepared enough.
- Not knowing terminology.
- Which studios best suited for me.
- Not knowing software.
- Not being able to handle pressure.
- Making a bad impression.
- Not producing adequate work.
- Not enjoying it.
- Not being able to afford to commute/ stay where placement is.

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