Friday 31 May 2013

PPP - Evaluation OUGD502

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The studio briefs that were set were very helpful, in particular Life's a pitch, Fred presented to us all the information we would need to know about setting up our own business. From this we got ourselves into groups and produced a design organisation, from working with other peers and researching aspects about a business set up I have learnt a lot in terms of costings, business and collaboration work. It was a great brief to work on because it made me consider what I should be doing through summer ready for third year, and a potential business is one i'd like to contemplate. A great skill I have learnt is how to communicate and collaborate with other individuals for work purposes. Each time I have worked with others on projects, the outcome has always been good and i've always been pleased with work produced, so this is something I will look forward to in third year and onwards. As a designer I believe I have improved my skills set in the adobe, however this is something I feel I have to practice with further. My researching skill have improved a lot over the past year, in comparison to last year we her I was unsure what was important and relevant to blog, I now feel I can gather information that will help me in projects. 

2. What approaches to/ methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I feel I have progressed a lot since last year, my design abilities have enhanced and I want to keep going in that direction and progress further throughout third year. I have enjoyed experimenting with different materials throughout briefs in particular the Dazed and Confused brief which I collaborated with other art and design students for, taught me that I am capable of produce a body of work which full fills a brief and that I am really happy with. Whilst doing this brief I explored a lot in terms of design from photography, 3d type, graffiti, interior, installation and even event organising, doing this made me realise what kind of design direction I would like to explore through out the summer and third year. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Over all I can see an improvement in my software skills since being on the course and that is due to producing lot of digital based work, although I want to improve this further I have plans to explore a lot more with hand rendered and more practical based work to show a variety in my skill set. I can see a huge different in the style of work, although I don't have a specific one, I feel the over all appearance of my designs have massively improved from last year when I struggled to produce work that even resembled graphic design. I love photography and I have tried to incorporate it into as many briefs as possible this year as its an aspect of art which I love, I feel like I have done this quite well and I have liked the work from dong so, from this I have realised i am capable of work which I like doing but I need to push myself further to create work which is a challenge for me. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

My downfall this year has been due to bad time management, a problem which has to be over come before third year. I feel like my lack of organisation skills can bee seen in some of my work, for example finished and printed design which aren't photographed well, designs which I haven't left myself any time for improving or changing all together to full fill briefs, designs which are just printed due to not giving my self the planning and preparation time to do screen printing or process and finishes. This is something that has to change next year because I want the quantity and quality of my work to be a whole lot different to now. My biggest weakness is public speaking, it's a problem which is very frustrating and upsetting at times due to the fact I can't present to my peers confidently in crits and especially presentations, this is something I want to improve massively before heading into third year an industry because I feel like my nerves and presentation skills won't get me very far. 

5. Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Manage my time more effectively and be a more organised designer so that my work doesn't lack in quality or quantity.
Begin designing sooner to show a stronger development in ideas and to gain a more satisfied outcome when the products are finished. 
Experiment a lot more with processes and finishes to show a better collective of work.
Work more on creating good concepts and fulfilling all work that I want to achieve as a brief. 
Don't be lazy when designing, do all the things I set out to do not just the easiest/ last minute option. 

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

Attendance: 3
Punctuality: 4
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 4
Quantity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 5

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